A new year to head into and I’m planning to do more with creativity. Earlier this year I had made a plan with someone to see who reaches 100.000 views first on YouTube. I love editing and have plenty of ideas and this year I really want to make time to create more.

Living in Amsterdam again in an old house since a week or two, I have to get used to living in the city again. A lot has changed in the past 12 years, it feels a lot more busy for sure but also more modern and very accessible for bikes.

The house is rented from a company that doesn’t maintain their houses very well and at the moment we don’t have heating or warm water, hopefully this is fixed soon, but for now we’re hoping the temperature stays above 10 Celsius.

Today we had to shower in a hotel nearby where one of our roommates works, he arranged keycards for everyone, we live here with four people in total and myself makes five.

I might just have to buy a space heater soon, the temperature is dropping a lot in the upcoming days.

Demy Alexander

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