Today I was allowed in a car again, we even visited a place called Target. Entering was easy, leaving took a bit more willpower, they have everything inside there, from groceries, to household items, to even a Starbucks and a small restaurant.

We didn’t eat at Target, but instead went to a place called Sonic! Rumour has it that some Sonic restaurants have people deliver the food to the car on rollerblades, now that’s entertainment.

The Sonic we went to didn’t have this, it was a small one and we got our food at a window.

Sonic burger number 3 meal

I also got a milkshake with a real cherry on top, but I’m still getting used to taking photos of everything so maybe next time I’ll share a photo of that too!

Oh and it looked like there was a fire today, didn’t hear anything about it, could be people were just lighting trash.

Fire in the neighbourhood


by Demy Alexander