The sun has just come out, its about 6 in the morning and there’s police everywhere on the land we live on. A low flying helicopter wakes my girlfriend up and she goes outside to see what all the commotion is. The police talk to my girlfriend’s sister and ask to go see inside her property, which is just adjacent to ours. She allows them, because for some reason the front door is open, which is unusual because she’s renovating the home and she stays at another house on the land at the moment.

This is the story I was told heard about nine hours later, I was sleeping and the chopper didn’t wake me up, the dogs kept me up all night, they were barking up a storm for some reason and I’m used to loud people and can sleep through that noise just fine. Barking dogs are at another level for me and I think I woke up at least five times last night. My girlfriend told me a person was missing and they were looking for this missing person in the area, our property was right in the search area and they wanted to check if the person maybe went into one of the unused houses on the land.

The missing person wasn’t found here but later we heard that they were found in a village nearby. I woke up pretty late at around eleven in the morning and cleaned some trash and moved some machinery on the land which wasn’t used anymore and we’ll hopefully bring to a recycling centre soon.

Walking around the area I do see a lot of garbage on the side of the roads and wonder if everything was clean, would people think twice before throwing out their trash out the window? Perhaps soon I’ll try and clean up the public road with the girlfriend and some more friends and family maybe. Check how long it takes before garbage is starting to accumulate again.

by Demy Alexander