Everything is ready for our trip to New York, we are right in the middle of Manhattan the first few days and then a house in the Bronx for the last.

I had an idea today to also add a photo of what I eat everyday, that’s always interesting to look back at in a few years. The breakfast is mostly not too interesting, unless when it’s some fun place I might add it as well. This is mostly about dinner, especially here in the USA, there’s so much choice for food and everything is so flavourful.

Dinner for Demy

I also decided to remove the facial hair before the trip so now I have a very different look for the next photos.

Having a girlfriend born in Mexico I also have many Mexican dishes here, they’re very spicy sometimes.

My favourite so far are tortas, a bread filled with different meats, cheese and, if wanted, some slices of avocado.

Torta with chorizo and sausages

Not sure what we’ll do tomorrow, maybe pack our bags and get the last things ready for the trip probably and Friday is our flight, on the thirteenth. On a Friday..

by Demy Alexander