I’ve had one good friend since elementary, we used to see each other everyday as kids and bike around for hours and go to movies together and have sleepovers too sometimes.

Today this friend was also in New York and we had to see them, how fun is it to be abroad in another country and seeing your best friend. He also had a reservation at a very well known steak place here in New York and was able to get us seats as well.

Steak for four

It was Peter Luger steakhouse just across the bridge from Manhattan into Brooklyn. We went for a fifteen minute walk just before arriving from the subway, the subway was our main form of transport to get anywhere, it was way cheaper than a taxi or Uber.

Overwhelming amount of awards

When you enter the establishment, you’ll see the awards they’ve received to the right on the wall and it’s not just one or two. I didn’t count them, but I feel like they were close to 50 awards.

We sat down and decided to get the steak for four, it was a lot and we barely managed to finish it all, we also had spinach and potato with butter as sides. Glad to say we finished everything, the sauce they give together with the steak makes it extra flavourful as well.

After dinner we all went to Times Square again and also visited a skating rink shortly, at this rink they also had bumper cars on ice, but at thirty dollar for ten minutes we decided to just walk around instead.

A park with bumper cars on ice

I was tempted to confront the hot-dog vendor, but decided not to, we just enjoyed our last full day in New York before heading home to Dallas again tomorrow.

by Demy Alexander