Every morning the breakfast is a treat here in the USA. Wether it’s from Walmart or from McDonald’s, everything is so much more tasty here. I remember reading stories of people losing a lot of weight in Europe and the food is bland, I certainly understand now. Here it doesn’t matter what you try, everything is very sweet and flavourful.


The bread is also thick and for some reason I think it has this sweet taste. I woke up around eleven in the morning and after breakfast I went to finish some administration on my laptop for the end of the year. The internet didn’t really want to cooperate and I couldn’t finish up today. Tomorrow I’m either planning to sit at a McDonald’s for the WiFi or use the hotspot from my girlfriend’s phone if she comes home early.

After I went to help my girlfriend’s brother with changing his oil from his car. Using the term help loosely because I just looked at his chickens mostly and their little lamb. I never knew lambs were so cheerful and jumping around, looking really happy.

After that we went to a very tasty bakery and got some Mexican treats, also this huge round bread with four hidden baby Jesus statues inside. If you cut off a bread with this hidden Jesus, you’re expected to cook for everyone. Luckily this year I didn’t get a baby Jesus in my bread and was relieved off this duty.

by Demy Alexander